Research into the benefits of the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme was conducted by the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology Sydney in 2018.
This research focused on both the environmental and economic impacts of the WELS scheme. The study built on the approach and methodology of the previous 2015 ISF evaluation. The results are detailed in a full report of an evaluation of the scheme from its commencement in July 2006, and projected to the end of 2036.
Savings from the WELS scheme - video transcript (DOCX 19.9 KB)
Evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the WELS scheme
Publication details
Fane, S, Schlunke, A, Falletta, J, Chan, A, and Prentice, E, Institute for Sustainable Futures, prepared for the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, 2018.
The evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the WELS scheme details the outcomes of research in key areas of:
- Product registration and sales trends — reaffirms a consistent shift and convergence across all product categories toward more efficient products.
- Reduced water consumption and household expenses — including estimated state by state savings per year projected to 2036.
- Reduced energy use and greenhouse gas emissions — linked to the reduced volume of water heated, as water consumption is reduced.
- Costs and benefits of the WELS scheme from 2006 to 2036 – showing a net benefit of nearly $5 billion to 2017-18 and a further $18.4 billion net future benefit forecast to 2036.
Download full report
Evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the WELS scheme – Full report (PDF 7 MB)
Evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the WELS scheme – Full report (DOCX 8.2 MB)
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